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Weetamoe Arboretum

Weetamoe Arboretum
The mission of the Weetamoe Arboretum is to not only maintain the existing plant collection, but increase the landscape’s native species diversity by selecting only native species for new plant additions. This woodland, created by the original privet privacy hedge and the trees and shrubs along the edge of the pond, was dubbed the “Quarter-Acre Woods”. It’s hidden path is shaded by oaks, katsuras, maples, hornbeams and more, and covered by blankets of moss creeping over root and rock.
Noteworthy trees on this property include an English Oak, Quercus robur, approcimately 30” in diameter and home to the previous bee colony; a Moss Falsecypress, Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Squarrosa’, which greets visitors at the front foot gate, estimated to be 40’ tall and a very healthy tree; and groves of flowering trees, including a striking Japanese Stewartia, Stewartia pseudocamellia, Sweetbay Magnolias, Magnolia virginiana, and Franklin Tree, Franklinia alatamaha.