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Apply for Accreditation

Download the accreditation application

Arboreta become accredited by evaluating and submitting documentation on the level of achievement of specified standards.

There is no fee required!


New! Those applying for ArbNet Arboretum Accreditation will also have the opportunity to apply for BGCI Botanic Garden Accreditation via the ArbNet Application. See here for more information.


Accreditation process and criteria

  • Evaluate which level suits your arboretum or organization.
  • Complete the application.
  • The ArbNet staff reviews your application and makes a decision within four weeks.
  • The decision is based on self-assessment and documentation of your arboretum’s level of achievement against accreditation standards.
  • ArbNet staff may schedule future site visits.

Please submit your completed application and all necessary attachments via email to  Attach at least two photos of your arboretum (high resolution JPEG format in landscape orientation), with your application for use on the ArbNet website.