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Kuechmann Arboretum

Kuechmann Arboretum
Kuechmann Arboretum has 7.8 acres of forested open space. For many years, Kuechmannn has largely been neglected but it is now currently in the midst of a multi-pronged rejuventation effort. Kuechmann has 25 different species of trees, including 36 trees that are over 150 years old and 54 trees that are over 100 years old, the oldest of which is about 275 years old. The arboretum includes American elms, black cherries, several varieties of oaks and maples, cottonwood, and white pines. Kuchmann Arboretum is focused on tree preservation, invasive species management, and the importance of pollinators.

626 North Old Rand Road, Lake Zurich, Illinois 60047, United States,
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