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Jardín Botanico Regional de Cadereyta

Jardín Botanico Regional de Cadereyta
A small garden imbedded in a semiarid environment, the Cadereyta Regional Botanic Garden (CRBG) is located in central Mexico, not far from what is considered to be the Southern End of the Chihuahuan Desert, a relevant place in terms of richness and endemism of biodiversity. Due to its specific location, in the verge of two relevant geographic regions (Sierra Madre Oriental and the Mexican Transvolcanic Axis), the CRBG has become a key institution for regional flora conservation, addressing its knowledge, preservation and education on its importance. The CRBG living collection preserves more than 300 plant species. Trees, shrubs and lignified succulents represent one-third of its elements.
A unique feature of the living collection is the section “Trees of the Queretaro Valley”, which contains a representation of trees of the Tropical Deciduous Forest of the Mexican Transvolcanic Axis and Central Plateau, an ecosystem on the brink of extinction. The individuals of this section were fully grown at the CRBG, following propagation protocols developed here. The section is a tangible example of the feasibility of propagation and use of tropical tree species in forestation and restoration.