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The Arboretum at Columbus Academy

The Arboretum at Columbus Academy
The Arboretum at Columbus Academy is located on the 231 wooded acre campus in Gahanna, Ohio, 8 miles from downtown Columbus. Through a generous gift from the M.G. Woodhull Trust and Mrs. Woodhull Columbus Academy acquired this land in the early 1960’s. In 1968, The Columbus Academy relocated to the new campus from the original Nelson Road location in Bexley. Over the years, several trees were planted on campus – on Earth Day in 1990 a total of 600 trees were planted during an entire school activity. Currently, there are 46 tree species on campus: the most abundant species being the Honey Locust, Freeman Maples, Red Maples and Crab Apples. Three trees donated by Famous and Historic Trees were planted in 1999. These historic trees are a Johnny Appleseed Apple, Martin Luther King Jr. Sycamore, and an Independence Park Black Locust.
The primary goal of the arboretum at The Columbus Academy is to highlight the various species of trees, shrubs and plants that grow on our campus. It aims to promote and cultivate faculty, staff, student and visitor appreciation for the botanical diversity found on our campus. It also intended to provide enjoyment and inspiration to all those who visit.