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Oklahoma Baptist University Arboretum

Oklahoma Baptist University Arboretum
The Oklahoma Baptist University (OBU) Arboretum began collecting trees in 2002, planting 50 different species in an area between our first campus building that opened in 1915, Shawnee Hall, and our main administrative building, Thurmond Hall. All trees in the arboretum are mulched and tagged. One of our goals is to have our students develop an appreciation for trees and shrubs, participate in planting and caring for them, and then taking that knowledge with them when they graduate. The arboretum has expanded to include the entire 200+ acre campus with 154 different species of trees and a database of over 630 trees and shrubs. OBU has in its collection the following unique specimens:
15’ tall Weeping Bald Cypress. Giant Leafed Redbud, Contorted Filbert, William Penn Barberries, Netleaf Oak, Turbinella Oak, Crow Pillow Tree, Tree Lilac, Persian Parrot Tree, Seaside Alder, Chitalpa, Dawn Redwood that is over 30’ tall now, an American Elm that is a seedling of the Survivor Tree from the Oklahoma City bombing, 17 species of Oaks, 13 species of Maples, 9 species of Redbuds, including a Giant-Leaf Redbud