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Kendal at Granville Arboretum

Kendal at Granville Arboretum
The Kendal at Granville Arboretum currently has 629 trees in their collection, highlighted by a variety of Oaks, Elm hybrids, Maples, Dogwoods, Cherries, Birch and Spruce. A spectacular Lacebark Elm is a focal point amongst the residential cottages & villas, and the native Black Tupelo was chosen as the signature tree of the Arboretum during the 10-year anniversary of the founding of the community. The trees on their 47-acre campus are an integral part of the quality of life for their residents, staff and visitors. Proper planting, mulching and maintenance practices will ensure that future generations will be able to enjoy a sustainable landscape, alongside almost 50 acres of native surrounding woodland and forested areas

2158 Columbus Road, Granville, Ohio 43023, United States,
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