On a visit to South East Asia I went to see a new botanical garden in Laos. Coming from Edinburg where the Botanics are such a popular attraction it seemed like an interesting place to go. The garden, Pha Tad Ke, is the first ethnobotanical garden in the country, shinging a spotlight on the local and traditional knowledge of plants found there. Healthcare in Laos was in part historically based on medicine produced from plants, and the idea behind the garden is to preserve that knowledge and teach locals and visitors about them. Nature and these plants are important to the people of Laos, but the rapid development of the country threatens old knowledge, often handed down without record. The idea is that those working in the garden will document and research the biodiversity of Laos to preserve it for future generations. There are 42 Lao staff who now work at Pha Tad Ke.
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