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Mid-term review of the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation (GSPC)

A mid-term review of progress towards the targets of the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation 2011-2020 will be carried out at the twelfth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) in October 2014. In preparation for this mid-term review, a draft technical background document has been compiled by BGCI, in association with the CBD Secretariat, largely based on information provided by members of the Global Partnership for Plant Conservation (GPPC). 

The report covers activities that have taken place during the 2011-2013 and is divided into three sections:

  • Section 1: provides information on national / regional responses to the GSPC;
  • Section 2: focuses on a review of progress target by target.  Each GSPC target is presented in detail, with an overview section providing an introduction to the target and a brief assessment of progress. This is followed by details of individual actions and case studies that contribute to the achievement of the target;
  • Section 3: provides a summary of progress towards the GSPC targets, with linkages made to the relevant Aichi biodiversity targets.

The document is now open for peer review and can be accessed at .  

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Thursday, April 10, 2014