The conclusions and resolutions from EuroGard VII were presented by Pierre-André Loizeau, Director of the Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de la Ville de Genève.
Pierre-André provided a personal synthesis of the plenary talks and then presented the formal conclusions and resolutions.
Download the synthesis presentation (in French) here and accompanying text (in French) here.
General Resolution (1/3)
Recognising the importance that botanic gardens need to place in protecting and conserving the world's flora, and noting that we are at the mid-term stage in the countdown to 2020 for the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation, as well as other conservation targets, the Congress urges botanic gardens to:
- be purposeful and effective in building the knowledge base, establishing projects and promoting the GSPC in their institutes;
- participate in updating national actions in support of the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation as well as the CBD's Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020;
General Resolution (2/3)
Emphasising the importance that botanic gardens need to place in managing their collections in accordance with the articles covering Access and Benefit Sharing under the Convention on Biological Diversity, and complying with the principles of the recently enacted Nagoya Protocol, the Congress recommends that botanic gardens and networks:
- Become fully engaged and familiar with the Nagoya Protocol and its implementation in their country.
- Submit case-studies to their national networks that exemplify both the tangible and intangible benefits shared by BGs with provider countries;
- Always act in a manner that builds trust and transparency and enhances the willingness of provider countries to engage in collaborative conservation programmes;
- Support and use the International Plant Exchange Network (IPEN) in the exchange of materials between institutions.
General Resolution (3/3)
Recognising the dedication, support and guidance provided over the past 20 years, as well as the remarkable advances and improvements in garden management, organisation and engagement that have taken place in that time, the Congress wishes to record its gratitude to:
- the European Botanic Gardens Consortium, national networks, botanic gardens, and especially the many hard-working individuals who have supported and enhanced the work of gardens throughout Europe;
- Botanic Gardens Conservation International, and all its staff over the years for its invaluable support; and
- those individuals who have organised the past seven congresses for their dedication to the success and achievements of EuroGard